Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Your Patience Is Appreciated

I miss blogging, I do.  For several months I was doing daily posts and enjoying it.  I like writing, I always have.

And I *think* people like reading it?  (all 6 of you...?)  LOL

I'm trying to "get back on the horse", as it were.  I have plenty to talk about and SHOW, but I'm just out of practice now.  I need to rebuild the blogging habit.

This morning (EARLY this morning) was my first session with the personal trainer and here in about a half hour, the organizer is coming over to help me get started on the studio overhaul to end all overhauls!  I'm excited.  I think I'm going to go coffee up.  There are a few hours of organization work to come.

Stay tuned....


  1. I read, I just rarely comment often enough. I do enjoy hearing of your adventures.

    1. Thank you! No worries, I too don't comment very much on the blogs that I read. Thanks for letting me know you're "here", I hope to be writing about more adventures very soon. :)
