I have this really cool piece of scale model footing that I really like using for stablemate pictures. In particular, I use it to take pictures of stablemate blankets that are for sale.
The problem with it, and something I fight with every single time I use it, is that it's very uneven. It was sort of rolled/folded in a box when I bought it. It's stiff enough that it retains some of the folds. Because of the tufts of grass, I haven't wanted to try and press it to make it flatten out.
Recently, I was struggling to make it work (and I just gave up during that particular photo session, the horses kept falling over) and I thought of a possible solution.
Today I got to work on it!
First, I measured it (10" x 10") and then I used the laser to cut out a piece of MDF that size.
Here's lumpy, bumpy piece as I've been trying to use it.
I wasn't 100% sure how I was going to glue it to the base, but I decided to start with some tacky glue down the center.
I grabbed a small piece of cardboard, thinking I'd use it as a spreader, but I just ended up using my finger, haha.
Glue spread out, I centered the piece of footing and carefully pressed in down along the middle. I noticed I was slightly off center and tried to reposition it. Nope. It was instantly stuck. Well, that's good!
Then I decided to just work my way toward the edge, from the center, and glue it down in sections. Here you can better see how uneven it was.
Each time I put on some tacky glue,
and spread it with my finger.
I cleaned off my finger then used my finger tips to press down and toward the outer edge, along the shorter grass paths. I also pushed down in some of the tufted areas, for good measure, and then sort of fluffed the grass up again.
One side mostly glued, I hadn't done the very edge here yet. I think it's looking flatter.
All done! That looks better...
Moment of truth! I put it back in my photo area, turned on the lights, and plopped down a horse (the very one who kept falling over during the latest photo shoot that was cut short). He stands!
Great story! well told. (I'm using the same kind of glue, hah!) Where did you get this footing in the first place?