Monday, September 19, 2016

Kitchen Story

And now for something a little different... starring three new faces in the herd.


A new pony arrived today.

He appeared in the kitchen on my birthday.

"Birthday?  There's cake, right?  There better be cake."



"Who ate all the cake?!"

"Did someone say 'cake'?"



"Nope.  Nope.  Nope."


"Did someone say cake?"


  1. Oooh, I must steal, um, be inspired by this idea.

    1. Haha, go right ahead! It randomly came to me when I wanted to get a quick picture of the newest guy and went to move the empty cake plate out of the way. I thought it was silly, but hey, we all need to be a little sill sometimes, right??

  2. Haha! So cute. I feel that horse. Happy belated Birthday!
