Monday, May 4, 2020

Three Week Chicken Pictures

Three weeks ago, a BUNCH of chicks were hatched at Cackle Hatchery.  A small random assortment of them were put into a box and sent to us, in North Dakota.  They arrived two days later. 

I've been taking pictures of each chick every Monday, to track their growth.

Most of them I've been able to identify the breed (I think), a handful are still unknown at this time.  They were from a "Hatchery Surprise" - a bunch of random chicks - and part of the fun is to identify them as they grow.  I've had some surprises each week!

Here are their three week old pictures! 

White Sultan - this is Travolta, the only chick so far that has a name.  He is a great little model and always strikes a pose when the camera is on him:

Smaller black, unknown breed:

Smaller orange, unknown breed:

Smaller white, unknown breed:

I'm thinking this is a Sumatra.  I refer to her as the shorebird, because she has always been tiny, refined, long-legged, and very pretty.  She is my favorite:

Blue Polish, white crested:

Buff-laced Polish:

Buff-laced Polish:

White Crested Black Polish:

Buff-laced Polish:

Buff-laced Polish:

Buff-laced Polish:

Silver-laced Polish:

Mottled Houdan:

Crazy Cackle Toppie (a crested cross breed that Cackle has introduced):

Blue Cochin:

Gold-laced Cochin:

Silver-laced Cochin:

Silver-laced Cochin:

Salmon Faverolle:

Unknown breed:

Unknown breed:

Unknown breed:

Blue-laced Red Wyandotte:

Silver Spangled Appenzeller Spitzhauben:

Blue Sumatra, I think.  I call this one the grey shorebird.  Another favorite:

Black Australorp:

Silver-laced Wyandotte:

Silver-laced Wyandotte:

Unknown breed (this and the one below it are SO soft):

Unknown breed:

Unknown breed:

Unknown breed:

Unknown breed, largest chick with a BIG comb already:


Unknown breed:

Unknown breed:

Unknown breed:

Unknown breed:

Barred Rock:

Barred Rock:

Barred Rock:


Splash Ameraucana, I think:

Easter Egger, I think:

The Hatchery Surprise can contain anything from the hatchery - they have all types of poultry.  As I've heard, it's common to get turkeys and ducks.  We ended up with two turkeys and one duck.

Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey:

Broad Breasted White Turkey - or possibly a Royal Palm:

Rouen Duck:

I hope you enjoyed a look at "all those chickens!"...

And turkeys. 

And duck.


  1. What a collection! We raised chicks when I was a teen. Your "largest chick with a big comb" and the unkn. one above him are classic Rhode Island Red pattern.

  2. I think you have some pheonix chick. Such as the ones with the black eyeliner. I have raised a few of those and they look near exact of what I had.
