Yesterday, I spent the day at the first day of the local County Fair. The main event was the 4-H horse show. A friend, and band member, had kids competing. They invited me to check it out, so I did!
Despite spending the whole day at a horse show, I only took a few pictures. I was more focused on hanging out with friends and watching the events. When I got there, Showmanship was going on,
A cute level of competition (I'm not at all versed in 4-H, this was the first event I'd been to) was "Cloverbud", where the youngest kids had a helper. A couple of the kids in that division had ponies, the others had full size horses. I loved this palomino:
There were a lot of beautiful horses, another one that caught my eye was this gorgeous buckskin tobiano:
Before going to the fair, I'd given Bo a light breakfast and then trimmed his front feet. During lunch break, I decided to run home. Bo met me at the fence and let me know he was not impressed with me leaving him light rations and then going to look at other horses (how did he know?? haha)
I gave him MOAR hay and went back to the fair.
Trail and the games classes were after lunch. Games were fun, some of the horses were SO hyped up and fast that you almost had to cringe watching them run the patterns, but the kids piloting them were great riders. The only picture I took was of the buckskin tobiano above, when I realized I hadn't gotten a picture of that one yet. They were one of the horses who wanted to GO!
Brent stopped by the fairgrounds on his way home from work and just as our friends were packing up. He had ridden his motorcycle and I had to take a picture, as I always do. His bike is so cool!
After saying goodbye to our friends, he and I wandered over to the buildings where the exhibits were. I had spontaneously entered a couple of my older tatting projects the night before. Last minute... because I wasn't sure I wanted to enter anything. I deliberated way harder than I should have, but that's how my brain works... Also, there wasn't actually a class for tatting. But when I finally got brave and went to the fair office, to show them what I wanted to enter, they found classes for me. Turns out they used to have a class for tatting, but no one ever entered so they took it off the list... 10 years ago.
Anyhow, we found my American flag first, with a blue ribbon. Cool!
We walked around all the rest of the Open Class entries and I didn't see the Barbie wedding dress I'd also entered. Then I spotted it, from across the room. It was up on a shelf on the wall, and... oh wow!
One of the reasons I'd had the night before for not wanting to enter was that I wouldn't be able to tell my Granny about it... She's the one who taught me tatting (she passed away in 2020). Brent said, maybe she'll still be able to see it. Then he asked me what she would tell me to do if she was here. I said she'd want me to enter. I'm glad I did.
The last stop we made was in the building where the 4-H exhibits were. It was interesting to see the things that the kids had made. (Our friends son made a bow and a wood cabinet!)
After that, we headed home. It was a great day at the fair.
The Cass County Fair runs through Sunday. There are rides, food, and quite a few things going on. Relevant to my interests, tonight there is an Open horse show - which is actually more of a gymkhana, the class list seems to be only games. I've toyed around with the idea of hauling Bo over there. Even if I don't enter (and I probably wouldn't, because both he and I are rusty and have both been hermiting a long time now) it might be fun to just hang out and ride around a bit. Sometimes I do miss actually doing things with my horse...
Then again, I realized this morning that I have less than a week and a half until I leave for Kentucky - which sent me into a mild panic. I have SO much to do...
BreyerFest is coming.
Congratulations--! Unexpected? I had not seen those tatted pieces but I agree with the judges. Such a nice flag; as a symbol I have often felt it's been taken away from me, and this helps to give it back.