Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thankful Thursday - Upcoming Winter Show

Last Saturday there was a "Home Based Business Fall Show" here.  It was a vendor event with several on base home businesses offering their products and services.  Many of the businesses were offering giveaways and I entered a couple of them.  I ended up winning this hand-painted sign!:

Appropriate for today's post!

I also found out that there is another show coming up, with a winter theme. It will be in early December.  Sign-ups for the limited slots available filled up within hours of the event being announced and...  I got in!  I signed up both of our home businesses: Cut By Light (our laser business) and of course, Horse Tender Studio.

I've been advised that holiday and winter-themed items are what will sell well.  One of my first ideas is one that I've wanted to try, but didn't really have a "reason".  Now I do have a reason!  I present: the first herd of ornaments (before being painted):

Tonight I did a bit of paintwork on one of them.  

He looks a little whacky at the moment, but he'll get there.

I had thought I'd do a few in holiday-themed decorator colors and do a few in realistic colors.  I may end up doing all of them in fantasy colors - just because.  It's nice to get back to painting horses and not have to stress over realism or the idea of "LSQ".  I did a quick prep on them and then declared them ready to paint.

I'm not sure how many I'll end up doing, it's always a gamble trying to decide how much of anything to take to a sales event.

My other idea is to make Christmas cards and other Christmas ornaments - primarily tatted ones I think.  I'll probably take whatever cross necklaces I have left, and who knows what else.

I'm thankful and excited to have a set event on the calendar to work towards.

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